Magazines by Joelle!!!!

Ladies Ladies Ladies-- We all know I am not a fan of the blahhh Canon in D Major (sorry if thats your jam), dyable shoes, french twists, anything pretty much that is predictable. OFFFF COURSE Ill still do your makeup natural but this isnt about meee!!!!!
My former client Joelle has started the most fabulous company EVER called Magazines by Joelle! This is the one way for you to stand out to your guests. I can't sum up in a paragraph the endless posibilities that Joelle can create for you but I will tell you I have a stack of these fabu magazines in front of me right now and needless to say I AM BEYOND IMPRESSED. Take your thank you's, your wedding programs, your save the dates and consider them a bare canvas for Joelle to transform the memories of your wedding into something nothing short of memorable.
You MUST check out her website!!!
Telllllll her Glammy sent you!
Smoochey smoochers